Some of the Wonderful Things I Discovered in 2019

I suppose it’s time for end of year reflections. In many ways my year was dominated by three things – my family’s move from Utah to West Virginia, donating part of my liver to Cable, and closing down the annual Open Education Conference after fifteen years. Each of these took huge amounts of time and … Read more

Some Very Bad News about the UNESCO OER Recommendation

The tl;dr I recently wrote a brief essay about the wonderful new UNESCO OER Recommendation. That piece was based on the text of the most recent public draft (which I will call the “public draft” below), which many of us believed to be the document the 40th Congress unanimously approved. However, a number of extraordinarily … Read more

Some Thoughts on the UNESCO OER Recommendation

I’m leaving this post online solely for historical / archive purposes. See this updated post instead. There’s great news out of the recent UNESCO meeting in Paris, where member states unanimously adopted the draft Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER). I want to highlight some of the parts of the Recommendation that caught my eye, … Read more