How Generative AI Affects Open Educational Resources

This is the middle section of my September 19, 2024 presentation, Why Open Education Will Become Generative AI Education. I’m pre-posting some of the presentation content due to the very active conversation the announcement of the presentation has created. Next week I hope to post the first section of the presentation, which outlines the reasons … Read more

RAG and Fine-tuning ARE Instructional Design

All of the analysis, design, and development that happen in conjunction with retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and fine-tuning of large language models is instructional design. The instructional design process often begins with an analysis of the learner(s). What do they already know? What skills do they already have? What prior knowledge can we assume will … Read more

Why It Might Be Impossible to “AI-Proof” Written Assignments (and What We Can Do About It)

A significant amount of time, effort, and resources go into training large language models (LLMs) to follow instructions. In fact, after the initial pre-training step, many models are specifically instruction-tuned in order to make them better at following instructions. If you’ve ever been poking around Huggingface and wondered why some models have “Instruct” in their … Read more