Stanford CourseWork Released

Charles Kerns wrote to say that Stanford has officially released their open source course management system, “CourseWork”: The system looks to do everything most people would want out of the box, and — being open source — can be made to do whatever else you like. Summarizing from the Stanford site: “CourseWork is an open … Read more

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Draft Language for

So, after a very long delay, here is the draft language of the Creative Commons license option for permitting only educational uses:

You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above except in satisfaction of both of the following conditions:

(i) You do so in a manner that is directly related to and of material
assistance to the primary teaching and learning activities of an educational institution, and

(ii) You do so solely for educational purposes.

An “educational institution” is a school or other organization primarily
and directly engaged in facilitating teaching and learning.

Rationale below. Please direct comments to the cc-education list.

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