Copyright and Education

There’s a great introduction to the DMCA and TEACH Act over at the “LIBRES Journal”: Thanks to Henk at “In Between”: for the link. Utah State University has just formed a committee to put policy in place ensuring our compliance with the TEACH Act. A committee I’m actually excited to be on!

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Journals, News, and Discourse

Due to poor planning (ask me later) I’ve received a “new faculty grant” to start a free access, online, peer-reviewed, instructional technology “journal.” Of course, my inclination is to lean it toward learning objects / reusable media / online communities / blogs / open content / etc. for the topic or niche. But the point of the grant is to explore new publishing models, and there are a whole bunch of other exploratory things that could be done. (This of course all ties back into the recent lamenting about the sorry state of academic discourse in inst tech blog circles…)

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Interview re: Open Content

I finally got the audio back from the interview I did two weeks ago with Utah Public Radio about the future of copyright and the OpenContent project / Open Publication License. The “mp3”: is available on my website and is just under 20M in size. The format is 30 minutes conversation / phone-in, if anyone … Read more