Looking for an aggregator for your new iPhone?
iPhone + Aggregator = iGag! iGag has:
- out of the box support for del.icio.us, Flickr, Digg, Last.FM, and several other popular services
- support for adding generic RSS or Atom feeds and OPML files (online or uploaded)
- OpenID support for authentication (so most of you won’t even need to create a new account)
- support for grouped feeds for easier browsing (click the screenshot above to see detail) and
- those fancy, slidey user interactions you’ve come to expect from the iPhone.
I liked my iPhone before, but this is the killer iPhone app as far as I’m concerned. đŸ™‚ Truth in advertising requires me to disclose that this is a classic “scratch your own itch” piece of software by Justin Ball and myself.
You paid $600 for a phone?