UPDATED: Help Translate eduCommons

Ever wanted to contribute to the eduCommons project, but don’t write code? No worries! It’s easy to contribute to the eduCommons effort with your language skills! The eduCommons translation files contain a list of English phrases followed by a place for you to type the translated phrase in your language. Here’s an example from the French translation of eduCommons:

msgid “Course Discussion Summary”
msgstr “Résumé de la discussion du cours”

There are five files altogether, and translating them should take a couple of hours. If you have some time you can contribute to the cause, download the eduCommons localization files, have at it, and then email the results back to me at david/dot/wiley/at/gmail/dot/com. If you’re willing, leave a comment letting me know which language you’re working on!

UPDATE: Richard Miller wrote in to tell me about poEdit, software that makes editing the eduCommons (and other Plone) localization files easier. Thanks, Richard!

2 thoughts on “UPDATED: Help Translate eduCommons”

  1. David, your translators may find it helpful to download a program called poEdit which makes it easier to work with .po files. It shows the English text in one field and space for the translation in another field, without having to see “msgid” and “msgstr”.

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