A SourceForge for Open Educational Content Development

So today I can finally be more specific. “The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation”:http://www.hewlett.org/ and the “Center for the Public Domain”:http://www.centerforthepublicdomain.org/ have given me the green light to hold an initial meeting to discuss the establishment of some infrastructure that will support the distributed, collaborative development of open educational content.

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Learning objects: difficulties and opportunities

“Learning objects: difficulties and opportunities”:https://opencontent.org/docs/lo_do.pdf is an eight page piece cataloging what I believe to be some of the largest obstacles to the successful use of learning object and some of the biggest opportunities for educational innovation using learning objects.

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LO-blog community meeting

Let’s pretend that a major foundation that is interested in the intersection of learning objects and online community had approached me about sponsoring a meeting of people with said interest, and I had funding to bring 12 or so people together for a multi-day summit this summer to discuss the state of the art and … Read more

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