OpenCourseWars Deleted Scenes

You know those “deleted scenes” offered on DVDs? Well, I’ve pulled together a collection of deleted scenes for my chapter 2005 – 2012: The OpenCourseWars
in the new book Opening Up Education from MIT Press.

Apparently I wrote more material for the chapter than they needed. In the words of Billy Joel’s The Entertainer:

Ah, it took me years to write it
They were the best years of my life
It was a beautiful song
But it ran too long
If you’re gonna have a hit
You gotta make it fit
So they cut it down to 3:05

So, rather than sacrifice the ending of the piece, or leave out things I thought were interesting, I chose to lop several sections off the front of the history. At you’ll find the first four sections of the history from my early drafts. I offer them for your sci-fi / historical-fiction-written-from-the-future pleasure. đŸ™‚