The Broader Context of Advocating for CC BY

A quick response to some of the conversation prompted by my recent post Advocating for CC BY. I work very hard to be a strong and effective advocate for openness generally and for CC BY specifically. My advocacy always occurs in the context of the following beliefs: In every case, people should choose the Creative Commons … Read more

Stereotyping, Behavior, and Belonging in the Open Education Community

Stephen Downes points to some older but interesting posts by Lisa Petrides and Bill Fitzgerald about the role of commercial actors in the open space. It’s a topic that I’ve been thinking about recently, particularly with yesterday’s revelation that Microsoft has joined the Linux Foundation. For someone who was online during the 90s, this is completely unimaginable. I had to read … Read more

Eminent Open Access: A Little Thought Experiment

Terrible ideas and brilliant ones can be surprisingly difficult to tell apart. More often than not they tend to be terrible. So, from a purely statistical perspective, what you’re about to read is likely a horrible idea. That fact notwithstanding, in the great tradition of selfishly publishing less than half-baked ideas on my blog so … Read more