OpenEd Week “X”

Alessandro blogged tonight about the same frustration many of us (myself included) are feeling with regard to the Intro to Open Ed course. Alessandro’s frustrated that I haven’t been providing as much feedback as might be desired. I have to agree. With about 60 students following the course, I could easily spend all day every day responding to what you are all writing and still not keep up. There is really amazing thinking and writing happening “out there,” and I love reading it and engaging with it. As you may guess, though, I’m making sure to give feedback and additional prompts to the students who are registered for credit first, and then reading as much of the rest of your work when I can, and commenting when possible.

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Declaration on Open Education Meeting Day 1, Morning Session

I’m at an incredible meeting co-sponsored by Shuttleworth, Hewlett, and OSI looking at possibly producing a declaration on open education. For the first session in the morning, participants listed all the open education projects we are working on. You can see the cards we posted on the windows, or the list of projects as we … Read more