What is “educational use”?

If you were given some curriculum materials and told that the were licensed free for “educational use,” which of the following would you interpret that to mean: a) that you would need to provide some reference or “give credit” to the materials’ creator, and/or b) that any changes you made to the materials needed to … Read more

It’s Official

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation will be funding the OSLO Research Group‘s next two projects. Synopses follow. Open Learning Support (OLS), our partnership with MIT’s OpenCourseWare initiative, will build a social infrastructure around the OCW materials, allowing informal study groups to form and enabling learners to provide and receive peer support while using the … Read more

The goal isn’t to have well-trained employees

From Stephanie Allen and co’s new blog, “COP^2”:http://www.reusability.org/blogs/steph/ — “At the end of the day, employers do not want well-trained employees; they want employees who do their jobs well.” Looks like some fun research to follow over the summer.