The MOOC Misnomer

MOOC = Massive Open Online Course There are a number of reasons why the term MOOC is a misnomer. – Many MOOCs are massive but not open (e.g., – Many MOOCs are open but not massive (e.g., – Many MOOCs try very hard not to be courses (e.g., Well, at least all … Read more

On the Term “MOOC”

Audrey has a nice piece today on problems with the term MOOC. I’ve always passionately hated the MOOC acronym, mostly because of one of the words behind it. There was never anything massive about what we were doing until the Stanford AI class came along. Nothing that has come out of the original group (Wiley, … Read more

Thoughts on Conducting Research in MOOCs

One of the philosophical underpinnings of MOOCs as practiced by Siemens, Downes, et al. has been the rejection of the idea of pre-defined learning outcomes. For example, the LAK12 syllabus reads in part: “You are NOT expected to read and watch everything. Even we, the facilitators, cannot do that. Instead, what you should do is … Read more