Disgusted over Eldred

Disgusted. Disappointed. Deflated. Dangling on demoralized. And, most unfortunately, unsurprised. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Eldred vs. Ashcroft shows that Congress in the pocket of the Content Cartel can not (for the next 20 years, anyway) be regulated by the Supreme Court where matters of copyright term are concerned. Here’s to 20 more years of … Read more

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AAGH! Trying to get through

AAGH! Trying to get through the last week of school. Even though I’m not teaching this term, I still have grading to do(?), dissertations to read, etc. As noted below, many big announcements on the work front coming soon. I’ll be blogging again once we actually get into the winter break and things settle down … Read more

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Wrapping up the AECT Blogging

Wrapping up the AECT Blogging Well! Let’s hear it for the wireless internet connection at AECT this year! When I first heard it, I thought it was to good to be true: and of course, it was. They had a cloud of coverage on each floor of the hotel – with each floor running through … Read more

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