Will the “real” community please stand up?

Something Stephen said in a recent post has had me thinking quite a bit lately (and I’m too lazy to go find the post again now, doubtless someone will point it out in the comments). Stephen commented that he was “glad to see David [me] reaching out to the learning objects community.” It was such an interesting comment because I considered myself deeply entrenched in the learning objects community.

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I’ve gotten “.LRN”:http://www.dotlrn.org/ (MIT’s open source LMS) up and running, and I must say that I’m impressed. Out of the box, it supports “a lot” of what a normal thinking person would want to do. Being open source (based on postgres and openacs), we can make it do whatever else we want it to. Ahhh, … Read more

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New Educommons Prototype

We’ve had a functional prototype of the first Educommons “educational content viewer” (strategy object) for a few months; now I’ve “improved the prototype interface”:http://educommons.org/content/electricity/ecv001.swf based on a logo and other design ideas by “Corrine Ellsworth”:http://www.mindfog.com/. The current prototype (designed to teach facts) functions like an automated flashcard system, presenting and quizzing on information in external … Read more