There is finally a reasonable proposal on the table (the proposal and some framing context are reprinted below), but no one has provided any feedback on it as of yet. Do people just not care? The lack of passionate debate, and especially the lack of response from persons of whom direct questions have been asked, has really taken me by surprise.
OSLO Group
A new school year, a new research group. I’ve formalized my interest in extending access to educational opportunity by forming a new research group here in the Department of Instructional Technology – the Open Sustainable Learning Opportunity (OSLO) Research Group. Hopefully this formalization will give us some traction with funders, and bring some public visibility … Read more
Missing the Point
Those who know my “Religious and Sacred Texts”: project will know that I am a religious person. Being so, I couldn’t not post this quote from Salon’s “review”: of Mel Gibson’s new movie about Jesus Christ. Following a recent screening of the film, the Anti-Defamation League voiced concerns that Gibson’s film, which he co-wrote, produced … Read more