Making the familiar strange

I’m visiting Australia for the first time this week, and have been absolutely amazed how hard it is to drive on the left side of the road. The cognitive load issues have been almost overwhelming. I’m three days into the trip now, and finally adapting somewhat. I wonder if this means I’m just getting old … Read more

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LO Ponderings

Short ponderings about learning objects over at “David Davies’”: place. My favorite quote, which everyone should memorize until further notice: There was a tangible feeling of ‘so what’ about much of the RLO discussion, at least amongst the non-techies.

Ian Clarke says ‘Goodbye’

Many probably saw this on “Slashdot”:, but for those who didn’t, “Freenet”: creator Ian Clarke has announced that he is leaving the United States. GrepLaw has an “interview”: with Ian in which he discusses some of his reasons for deciding to make the move. While I must say that I completely respect his decision, this … Read more