
Over the holiday break, which has been absolutely fabulous, my son David Enoch and I built our first igloo. It was a blast, and we’re looking forward to getting a couple more shots at igloo building before winter’s over.

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So I had to move the announcements, but the advertisements for our two full-time software engineers are back online, now at “http://oslo.usu.edu/jobs.html”:http://oslo.usu.edu/jobs.html

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cc.edu survey results and deja vu

Here are the results of the survey on “what would ‘free for educational use’ mean to you?” There were fifteen (15) responses I could interpret. I did not respond. I counted answers like “possibly” as a yes vote, and those like “probably not” as a no vote. If you care to, you can check the data from the comments and trackback section of my blog. Spoiler: we’re back to where we started.

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