My daughter is on a mission to bring some positivity to her little corner of the internet. I recognize that I’m biased, but I’m constantly impressed by how she proactively looks for positive and uplifting things to post. Like this weekend:

spring has just arrived bringing new life and new opportunities. now’s the time to reevaluate, change and become something better
She’s right. It is a wonderful time to contemplate new beginnings, making changes, and becoming something better. As I’ve pondered her challenge, I’ve recognized that something I can definitely do better at is showing gratitude to members of the open education community.
For the next several weeks I want to invite you to join me in showing gratitude, appreciation, and thanks to organizations in the open education community. Each day or so I’ll post about an organization I’m grateful for and spend a few sentences saying why. I hope that you’ll join in by describing your appreciation and support in the comments on these posts. (Please – no constructive critique, no critical comments, nothing negative in these comments. There are plenty of forums for negative comments. Please keep things positive – negative comments on these posts will be deleted.)
Please leave a note in the comments below to suggest an organization that we can show our gratitude for. I’ll make my first post tomorrow. If you want to join in on Twitter, Instagram, or your own blog, I’d encourage you to use the hashtag #opengratitude.
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