Thank you, thank you, thank you Governor Herbert!
To those in the Utah legislature concerned about the financial cost of GRAMA, here’s an idea. Since we’re talking about electronic communications used to conduct public business, why not just cc: all these communications to a giant public repository in the sky the first time you send that email or txt? Then instead of “us citizens” making expensive GRAMA requests, we can just pull the information we want out of the repository ourselves? I strongly suspect the cost to maintain this service would be much lower than the current cost of manually processing GRAMA requests. Empower us to do things for ourselves. We’re capable.
Instead of making Utah an example of anti-openness that other states would surely try to follow with “a Utah-style law” that will embarrass us every time we hear the phrase, let’s set an example of how a state can be more open and transparent while spending less. Then we can be proud of the “Utah-style laws” other states will try to adopt.
Sounds like the right way to go. Dave, maybe you should be the technology council for the Utah Legislature. You’d have my vote!
Well, that lasted a whole few hours. Someone must have pushed just the right? (WRONG!) buttons. Talk about flip/flop. On speed.