Friday OSLO Meetings

Below is the rest of the info for the Friday meetings. We will spend the majority of the meeting on OLS, our MIT/OCW partnership. The Quicktime stream will be available at rtsp:// starting around 9:00am MST. I will be logged into iChat as [email protected] and into MSN as [email protected] to facilitate question asking by folks at a distance. If you need some other chat client, please let me know ASAP! Agenda below.

Here’s the agenda for our Friday gathering:

Min / Topic
05 / Brief introductions
05 / Purpose of the meeting
05 / Introduction of OLS and its mission
10 / Brief tour of OCW website
05 / Selection criteria OCW courses for OLS pilot study
30 / Integration of OCW and OLS
60 / How to create and grow a learning community
15 / Research OSLO group should review (journals, individuals, projects, books, etc.)
30 / Open discussion
60 / Lunch
60 / Feature list for pilot study and beyond
30 / Expected challenges (how to identify and resolve)
30 / OLS research design (methodologies, open questions from the field, etc.)
30 / Off-topic questions from previous discussions
30 / Open discussion

And here is the draft feature set for the OLS pilot (due online in mid-March):

Pilot Study OLS Feature Set

Front Page
— Similar to OCW
–++ Purpose
–++ News
–++ Features/Help
Forum / Discussion Board
— Links between OCW and OLS will correspond by depth
— Bread crumb navigation (similar to OCW)
— Search
— Required for posting
— Not required for reading
— Proactive: Suggestion box and discussion within forum
— Reactive: Polls/Surveys
Useage Statistics
Presented in a social framework
Leading to eventual social proximity display with corresponding chat function
— Choices: e-mail, RSS feed, news on site front page
Direct/Overt Linking of Questions and Answers in Forum
— Identification of satisfactory answer is determined by question asker