From Actionable Dashboards to Action Dashboards

Dashboards in educational contexts are usually comprised of visualizations of educational data. For example, dashboards inside the LMS are often comprised of line charts, bar graphs, and pie charts of data like logins and quiz scores. The primary goal of educational dashboard design is, ostensibly, for them to be “actionable.” In other words, a teacher, … Read more

Thoughts on Continuous Improvement and OER

Recently I’ve been doing both more thinking and more roll-up-your-sleeves working on continuous improvement of OER. Below I’m cross-posting two short pieces on this topic I recently published on Lumen’s site (here and here). Improvement in post secondary education will require converting teaching from a solo sport to a community-based research activity. (Herbert A. Simon, … Read more

Automatically Geocoding Higher Ed Institutions Using the Google Maps API and Google Spreadsheets

I recently needed to quickly create a map of higher education institutions Lumen is working with, and consequently needed LAT and LONG info for dozens of schools. Rather than do that all by hand, I created this little recipe for automatically retrieving coordinates given a school’s name using the Google Maps API and Google Spreadsheets. … Read more